Good morning sisters and brothers throughout the world! We wish to express our deepest love to all of you as a group and to each of you as individuals.
Let's get a few things straight right off the bat.
We are just a bunch of dudes, OK? We are trying to do the best we can.
We love God, and we seek to serve God. And we hope we are being inspired along the way. We think we are.
So we apply our human experiences and wisdom, add in a dash of inspiration, plus a pound of good intentions --then a lifetime of learned bias, pride, and fear fall into the mixing bowl while we're not looking-- and what comes out is what comes out.
It's all a work in progress.
Some of you are really devoted to everything we say. We are flattered! But please don't feel obligated to volunteer for every assignment when someone lays the guilt trip on you. That's not what we're trying to accomplish. And some psycho stuff sometimes comes out at Conference, for which we apologize. Stick some people behind a pulpit and they just start freestyling. Have you ever been to a testimony meeting? OK thank you.
We know our history is less than perfect. Sometimes we have tried to hide true events because we have feared they would draw attention away from all the good we've done. That's changing, and we are learning to embrace our own imperfections.
Stick with us. We are striving for good, and we're getting there. Join us on this journey. Bring all your faults, weirdness, emotions, personality, sense of humor, mistakes, inspiration. Because we're bringing ours and that's what makes us all a family.
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